Working with the horse without violence.
We firmly believe that horses treated with love, patience and profound knowledge of equine behavior will make better and more reliable companions on the trail.
Our training methods have been inspired by the great masters of the USA such as Monty Roberts, John Lyons, Pat Parelli and Stacy Westfall. We also apply methods by the Uruguayans Gustavo Ortega and Ricardo Espalter.
Rather than looking for the horses’ submission, we aim for their cooperation. A relaxed, fearless horse is more fun to be around, and helps us teaching the beginners that come to Caballos de Luz. We aim to make the horse understand its responsibilities and keep up its positive disposition towards work, as part of what we offer are horse treks, with many hours on the road, where a self motivated, content horse is a grand asset.
Foal and young horse work
We start with what is called imprinting: close encounters with foals in the first hours and days of their lives. Besides being utterly enjoyful... it starts a bond between horse and human that may last a life time.
Furthermore, we start our own and customers’ horses with ground work basics and train them to be trustful riding horses.
Course of horsemanship
We regularly give horsemanship weekend courses and welcome people to join us to learn and practice these techniques and skills with our horses.
Please contact us for more information and the next course dates.